I Am ARMY Cover Artwork

I Am ARMY is a collection of autoethnographic essays from ARMY around the world on their experiences of being an ARMY and how they relate to broader societal inequalities, influences and impacts. The key themes explored in the book are: fandom, mental health, healing, transformation, self-love and non-dominant identities. 

Revolutionaries are seeking cover art for this book to be created by a member of the BTS ARMY. We are interested and open to all artforms that are able to be digitally transferred to a book cover which will be printed and distributed globally. 

We are looking for cover art that is strong, bold and encapsulates ARMY as a diverse and unique fandom. We are especially interested in artwork which responds to the main themes listed above. We love colour, we love things that are daring and provocative. We ask you, the artist, to answer: who is ARMY? 

Please email us your portfolio and a brief concept of what the proposed artwork will be, if possible please include rough concept sketches or other works you plan to reference. 

This is a paid opportunity.
Successful applicants must have a PayPal account and be able to issue an invoice. 


Closes June 01, 2020

I Am ARMY [Closed]